Hi All
A maintenance visit to tic hill (Redhill) VK6RTH was carried out today, (08.05.08)? mainly to check on the electrolyte levels in the 2 volt wet cells and general visual of the site.
This was carried out by Bob VK6POP(with 4 x 4 vehicle) and myself.
As usual we were escorted through the Quarry (mine site) by the site owners (Hansons), although they were busy at the time. They appreciated the Cake for morning tea which we leave as a thank you for their assistance.
Bob topped up the large wet cells with distilled water which had gone down by a about a third (in the min/max safety area)in each cell since October 07, this took approx 1 litre each, and cleaned the terminals
which showed signs of salt build up.
I checked the SWR on the Antennae cables (70 cm = 1.4/1 and 2m 1.3/1) which appear to use the dual bander. The Digipeater could not be checked as we did not have a BNC connector for the Antenna Analyser with us.
I am mystified as to what exactly is on the Tower(s) for example what is the dish? and square box half way up the main tower for ? is it wifi and whose is it?
I know about the 4 x 4 club receiver and LIPD Xmitter which appears to be working (we also topped up their wet cells).
There are also three unused co-axes – one open circuit and two with reasonable SWR.
The Solar cells were feeding 5 Amps during bright sun. The batteries each showed 2.2 Volts.
A visual check of the tower did not show up any problems. The water leak repair to the “Bunker” last October seems to have held with no evidence of water.
73 Cliff VK6LZ (Site Manager)