To all members of the West Australian Repeater Group Inc.
Thank you very much for your continued support over the last year.
With your subscriptions, you have kept WARG on air for another year,
and helped improve our network of repeaters in VK6.
The time has come for subscriptions to be paid for the 2023/2024 period.
WARG Annual Subscriptions are still only $25 per year. One of the cheapest clubs in VK6.
Subscriptions can be paid by bank transfer as usual to the following account:
BSB 633 000 Account No. 144144953 at Bendigo Bank.
Remember to identify yourself with your call sign when transferring funds
so we know who it is from.
Electronic funds transfer is preferred, but we still take cheques to PO
Box 2513 Mt. Claremont 6010 or cash at meetings and events.
For any membership enquiries, please email membership@warg.org.au