Tag Archives: #WARG

Heads up for the October Meeting of WARG

The NEXT meeting of the West Australian Repeater Group will be on Monday the 7th of October… and will be held at the 1st Pelican Point Sea Scout Hall located at 12 Australia II Drive in Crawley. Just around the corner from MATILDA BAY & just a stone’s throw away from The University of Western Australia.

With Doors Opening around 1900H for a meeting Start Time of approx. 1930H.

Tea, Coffee, and Refreshments are available for the usual Gold Coin Donation.

At the meeting Anthony VK6AXB has put up his hand to give a talk and practical demonstration.

The topic, is roughly…
Repeater Cavities: The Who, What, Where, Why, & When – (With particular note of fact that we need to convert a stock pile of VHF commercial cavities that we have, for use on 2m Repeaters – a great learning opportunity for any amateurs wanting to gain some new experiences) .

HISTORICAL PHOTO: 11 sets of WARG Cavities on lawn at a former QTH of one time life member of WARG, Gillian “Jill” Weaver VK6YL now SK.

73’s from WARG VK6RRG.


Report on Cables & Connectors Activity from the September 2024 Meeting of WARG

The meeting was held on Sept 2nd and was reasonably attended with several apologies and some missing folk probably experiencing “life happening”. The meeting was held, it had its usual parts, correspon-dence, treasurer’s report, promotions and socials report, and the Technical discussion and report. The meeting closed at 21:20 and we then had a little thing we called the Cables and Connectors Activity…

So much information was exchanged in the activity… much learned and many tips shared… but you had to be there.

I locked up, at a couple of minutes to midnight.

WARG will continue to do Lectures and Activity nights in forthcoming months. Like they say… Be there, or be square!

73’s from WARG VK6RRG.


Only DAYS to Go! Till the 10th of June Meeting of WARG

Time to get your WARG on…

The June meeting & pre-loved equipment junk sale…
is happening…

THIS Coming Monday!

WHERE: 10 Helen Street,
Bellevue. The 1st Midland
Scout Hall.

WHEN: 6:30pm for Buyers
(6pm for Sellers to set-up)
and 7:30pm for the June

$5 a table for Sellers; Gold Coin Donation for Buyers… and the meeting is as always Free.

( Just a quick note: as it is our 1st time at this location. We don’t know how we will go with getting an online presence this month; so maybe you shouldn’t COUNT on it – but we will try and we will just have to see how it goes. So if you’re not at the meeting, we can only try to Do Our Best. )


And…. lastly but not leastly… (Is that even a word? <shrug>)

At the meeting we will have a Chook Raffle… $5 per ticket!
Prize(s) will be Drawn on the night. All funds raised will go to…
Maintaining and Expanding The WA Repeater Network.

Download a Printable Flyer to remind yourself of offline of the details.


Mini-WARG-fest? Well a Pre-Loved Equipment & Junk sale… at least. Yes, it is time for the June Meeting of WARG… on the 10th of JUNE 2024. *Note a Change of Venue… for the night*

Yes Folks, the June meeting is soon to be upon us. The main activity for this coming month is a WARG Junk Sale… Pre-Loved Equipment Sale… Not an Everyday Sale… You get the point. 😉

Now this is Important, for this meeting, we’re not at the usual location. This monthly meeting and the Pre-Loved Equipment Junk sale will be happening at the 1st Midland Scout Hall in BELLEVUE the Address for your GPS is at #10 Helen St., Bellevue.
Here is a Google Maps Link and a speccy piccy of the hall…

Tea, Coffee & Biscuits etc. are available (for a small donation, as always) AND also…
We are hopeful of having a sausage sizzle and soft drinks available, for a small fund-raising cost like at a certain national chain of hardware stores. So if you’re hungry…

However, of course, we strongly encourage everyone to attend… else you’ll never-never know what of someone else’s trash would have become your treasure!

(NB: We also hope to be announcing a more substantial raffle in coming months, but for that we will need to go to the Lotteries Commission and get a permit etc.)

For more information: Check out the Facebook Group for any updates; Listen to the VK6ARN Weekly NEWSWEST; and of course, WARG’s own Sunday on-air Tech&Gen Net 1030AM (local) on Perth Repeater Ch.3 that’s VK6RLM 146.750MHz.
(We *MAY* even to be found on WAHAMS.)
