WARG are organising a lunchtime BBQ to celebrate our 40th Anniversary, and everyone is welcome.
The BBQ is on Sunday, October 25th, from 11am, at Wireless Hill Park in Ardross, off Almondbury Rd.
WARG’s first recorded meeting was in August 1975, marking the start of a lot of hard work, and great success in overcoming many technical and practical challenges.
Repeater sites were built from the ground up, duplex radios, cavity filters and controller boards were developed. The network expanded into country areas, and to the 70cm, 6m and 10m bands. The interlinked NewsWest broadcast system was established, and packet digipeaters were added to many sites. More recently the system has grown to include digital voice modes, like DStar and Fusion.
Hundreds of VK6 Amateurs participated in these various projects over the years, and we welcome all who are able to attend Wireless Hill on October 25th.
We aim to start around 11am, the usual BBQ fare will be available, donations toward the costs are appreciated. We would love you to come along and share in the day.
For catering purposes, we appreciate if those attending could let us know, via email to secretary@warg.org.au , or call in during WARG’s technical and general net, Sundays at 10:30 local on VK6RLM, 146.750.