Repeaters – IRLP

Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP)

Node 6200 on repeater VK6RFM (146.950MHz) at Fremantle. Supplied by VK6DN Don.

Node 6772 on repeater VK6RVP (438.425MHz) at Victoria Park. Supplied by Duncan VK6GHZ & Rob VK6LD.

IRLP website

Using Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP) and EchoLink on Western Australian Repeater Group 70cm repeater VK6RVP.

Accessing the IRLP/Echolink commands requires DTMF tone capability available on most modern transceivers. Consult the operator manual for your rig to use DTMF tones.

To contact another repeater or station, you must first obtain the station’s IRLP or Echolink node number. The node number is unique for each station and repeater.

To locate a station’s IRLP node number, please visit the IRLP status page here.

To locate a station’s Echolink node number, please visit the Echolink login status page here.

Note that not all stations support both types of link.

Use your DTMF keypad to enter command codes and node numbers. DTMF keypads usually have the numbers 0 to 9, the letters A to D as well as the * and # symbols. If your keypad does not have the symbols but does have the letters E and F then substitute * with E and # with F. They function in exactly the same way.

To connect to an IRLP station simply enter the node number. For example, to connect to IRLP node 1234, you would enter 1234 on the keypad.

To connect to an Echolink station, enter * followed by the node number. For example, to connect to Echolink node 567890, you would enter *567890 on the keypad. If your keypad has E instead of *, you would enter E567890 on the keypad.

To disconnect from a node, press 73

The repeaters also have a number of other services available:

  • To announce the local time, press 0
  • To announce UTC time, press 0*
  • To dial a random node, press #9
  • To play some help, press #1
  • To play station information and more help, press #2. This message is also played automatically every five hours.
  • To play the station identification in morse code, press #3
  • To play the temperature for Perth, press #8
  • To play the temperature for Jandakot Airport, press #7
  • To play the temperature for Geraldton Airport, press #6
  • To play the name of the last connected station, press *10#
  • To call the IRLP Echo Reflector and listen to your own audio repeated, press 9990
  • To call the Echolink Test Server and listen to your own audio repeated, press *9999

More general information for IRLP can be found at the IRLP website here. More general information for Echolink can be found at the Echolink website here.


