Author Archives: Mark Bastin

Heads up for the October Meeting of WARG

73’s from WARG VK6RRG.


Report on Cables & Connectors Activity from the September 2024 Meeting of WARG

The meeting was held on Sept 2nd and was reasonably attended with several apologies and some missing folk probably experiencing “life happening”. The meeting was held, it had its usual parts, correspon-dence, treasurer’s report, promotions and socials report, and the Technical discussion and report. The meeting closed at 21:20 and we then had a little thing we called the Cables and Connectors Activity…

So much information was exchanged in the activity… much learned and many tips shared… but you had to be there.

I locked up, at a couple of minutes to midnight.

WARG will continue to do Lectures and Activity nights in forthcoming months. Like they say… Be there, or be square!

73’s from WARG VK6RRG.


Next W.A.R.G. Meeting – This Monday 02-09-2024!

This meeting will be BACK at the home of 1st Pelican Point Sea Scouts. Camp Cornwall all the way down the end of Australia II Drv. Then take a Sharp left into the car park instantly before the dead end.

For your GPS: #12 Australia II Drive, Crawley.

Doors Open around 7pm for a 7:30pm Start. There will be Tea, Coffee and refreshments, usually but not always limited to biscuits, for a gold coin donation to keep the supplies of things coming…

There is always plenty of time both before and after the meeting to meet in person with your radio buddies and make an Audio Frequency contact… 😉
[ See what I did there :p ]


July Meeting of WARG

The 1st Monday of July approaches – it’s the 1st July.

The hall is accessible via Perth’s Arterial Roads with reasonable speed…

Once in Bellevue… there’s 12 bays out front, roadside parking and a couple of bays out back. Parking didn’t seem to be an issue for the March meeting and sale.

Leaving the Roe heading North is easy, Southbound, not quite so simple – but choose a way and it won’t take long.


Some Photos from the Midland Venue, the June Meeting & Junk Sale

The venue at 1st Midland from the outside during the day…

Inside the Hall when empty…

Welcome to WARG March meeting and Pre-Loved Equipment Sale…

The Sale goes on…

Ray VK6ZRW watches over the Silent Key Sale Items of Jim 6JP and Don 6UT

Ben VK6XC getting into the action… Dylan 6DYL watches on at the back.

Meeting attendance – after the sale there were 19 who stayed in the hall for the June GM others were behind the field of view.


June Meeting & Event Summation

Dear WARG Members and Friends

As you possibly know the June 2024 meeting of WARG happened on Monday June 10th. It was a Monthly Meeting preceded by a Pre-loved Equipment and Junk Sale.

I just wanted to update you’ll about the event which was held at the Bellevue Institute of Engineers Building home of the 1st Midland Scout Group, 10 Helen St. Bellevue. We opened up to let committee begin the set up at 5pm, before long we had tables set up in the greater hall and our Sellers were setting up. There was Colin with his sales and we also had Anthony with the gear from the deceased estates of Don VK6UT (SK) and from Jim VK6JP (SK). Buyers were welcomed in at 6:30pm, with a gold coin donation, and this was well attended.

During the Night, Mitch was aided capably — correction, Christine Mitch’s XYL was capably aided by Mitch 6XB in the Kitchen where they provided a Sausage Sizzle with or without onion and/or condiment; soft drinks, and cup cakes. Tea Coffee and biscuits were also as usual on offer…

There was a ‘chook’ raffle with a set of reasonable prizes including 1st prize of an ICOM HT. Clearly we want to thank ICOM Australia for their support for WARG.

The Raffle saw just shy of 70 tickets sold… and this, along with the other various income streams on the night has seen a reasonable addition to club coffers – Members may recall that we have recently paid the Repeater Licences for in most cases the next 5 years. A cost that we continually budget for and need to replenish from afterwards.

So we would like to congratulate to Dylan 6DYL on taking out first prize with the IC-T10, and also to the runner up Trevor 6MS taking out 2nd prize.

Starting a little late, the June meeting got underway with X folk still left in the room, while not the peak of participation for the night, still a number more folk than usually are at the 1PP hall. The meeting ran quickly, and was finished before 9pm, not too shy of 9pm but we were late starting so… that was a fast flowing meeting. The hall was then emptied and cleaned.

Of note, comments from those who attended were taken from Matt 6ML who asked about the hall and the travel time there as well as comparison timing to 1PP from their QTHR, and well… many found that a longer drive was still quicker; Trevor 6MS found it much of a muchness but also blamed this equal time on catching just about every set of lights on Canning Hwy. At the end of the meeting the meeting was asked for a decision on if WARG should seek to have one more meeting a standard WARG meeting without the extra incentive of a Junk Sale to see if people like the Bellevue option moving forward, this proposal was carried unanimously. That is to trial 1st Midland once more.

Another thing raised in the meeting was to look at the availability of 1PP for some contests that the club might set up a club station such as the VHF/UHF field day and the John Moyle. An option for the RD was knocked back as it is felt that the RD is a time for each operator to be on air sending in their own log. We will never rest the crown back for VK6 if we only put in a few logs… Ray 6ZRW was eloquent in his argument that since THEY changed the rules… every operator stolen by a club station’s single log from putting in their own personal log is a burning of resources better spent in the personal log space than the club log space.

Well that’s about it for the June wrap up… heads up that the July meeting is on the 1st of July. More on that coming up soon.


Only DAYS to Go! Till the 10th of June Meeting of WARG

Time to get your WARG on…

The June meeting & pre-loved equipment junk sale…
is happening…

THIS Coming Monday!

WHERE: 10 Helen Street,
Bellevue. The 1st Midland
Scout Hall.

WHEN: 6:30pm for Buyers
(6pm for Sellers to set-up)
and 7:30pm for the June

$5 a table for Sellers; Gold Coin Donation for Buyers… and the meeting is as always Free.

( Just a quick note: as it is our 1st time at this location. We don’t know how we will go with getting an online presence this month; so maybe you shouldn’t COUNT on it – but we will try and we will just have to see how it goes. So if you’re not at the meeting, we can only try to Do Our Best. )


And…. lastly but not leastly… (Is that even a word? <shrug>)

At the meeting we will have a Chook Raffle… $5 per ticket!
Prize(s) will be Drawn on the night. All funds raised will go to…
Maintaining and Expanding The WA Repeater Network.

Download a Printable Flyer to remind yourself of offline of the details.


Mini-WARG-fest? Well a Pre-Loved Equipment & Junk sale… at least. Yes, it is time for the June Meeting of WARG… on the 10th of JUNE 2024. *Note a Change of Venue… for the night*

Yes Folks, the June meeting is soon to be upon us. The main activity for this coming month is a WARG Junk Sale… Pre-Loved Equipment Sale… Not an Everyday Sale… You get the point. 😉

Now this is Important, for this meeting, we’re not at the usual location. This monthly meeting and the Pre-Loved Equipment Junk sale will be happening at the 1st Midland Scout Hall in BELLEVUE the Address for your GPS is at #10 Helen St., Bellevue.
Here is a Google Maps Link and a speccy piccy of the hall…

Tea, Coffee & Biscuits etc. are available (for a small donation, as always) AND also…
We are hopeful of having a sausage sizzle and soft drinks available, for a small fund-raising cost like at a certain national chain of hardware stores. So if you’re hungry…

However, of course, we strongly encourage everyone to attend… else you’ll never-never know what of someone else’s trash would have become your treasure!

(NB: We also hope to be announcing a more substantial raffle in coming months, but for that we will need to go to the Lotteries Commission and get a permit etc.)

For more information: Check out the Facebook Group for any updates; Listen to the VK6ARN Weekly NEWSWEST; and of course, WARG’s own Sunday on-air Tech&Gen Net 1030AM (local) on Perth Repeater Ch.3 that’s VK6RLM 146.750MHz.
(We *MAY* even to be found on WAHAMS.)


Did you know that there is a WARG Facebook Group?

If you are a member of the social media platform FACEBOOK you can join a group for Members and Friends of WARG. The group is just one more way for our Members and Friends in VK6 and beyond to keep up-to-date with WARG News and Activities.

While you are logged in to Facebook – Point your browser to the following URL:

OR you can use the Facebook search bar at top left, to search for West Australian Repeater Group and join the group that way.

Hope to see you online…
