MONDAY 2nd December 2024 Time 1830-2100 / 6:30pm – 9pm (NOTE WELL ONE HOUR EARLIER) Cost $0 NIX NILL NADA — WHAT?
Yes! Come to the WARG XMAS Dinner… Snaggers and Meat. As well as Cool Drinks & Tea or Coffee (if you prefer) and Christine’s (XYL of 6XB) famous cup cakes. All available… for FREE!
Bring yourself, Bring a Plate to Share if you like… Where….?!?
Come one, come all… WARG Membership, not required, but is still only $25 a year, and if you use or have an interest in Repeaters in WA we do encourage you to join.
#12 Australia II Drive, Crawley… all the way to the end, sharp left!
You Can’t Log-in to this one online… it’s BE THERE, or be ?
Hello… from WARG… The next meeting… will be Anthony’s Talk on Repeater Cavities.
Also… of note for WARG Members, we’ve had a request from the 1st Amelia Heights Scout Group… who have done JOTI for a number of years… to see if we (WARG) can be of assistance in helping them to do JOTA as well…
JOTA/JOTI (Jamboree on the Air / Jamboree on the Internet) is an annual world-wide Scout and Guide event, and the JOTA part started in 1958 making this year the 67th one…
It is held annually the third full weekend in October. Making this the 18th-20th. (Well we would be asked to do Sat and Sun… so… 19th and 20th for us)
Here’s a link to learn more about JOTA, from the World Scouting website.
What would WARG be asked to do… well… provide, the shebang… ops, rigs and antennas… come to the meeting and let’s talk about who and what WARG can do for them. Also… listen to the WARG News link below, where I talk a little on the request.
Here is the link to this weeks recording of WARG NEWS… but yeah, nope… email is still failing (I’ve asked for help from M$ – yeah not holding my breath) and I couldn’t make the mid-day Friday deadline to get it down to Clinton… So… please click on this link “” to listen.
The next meeting of WARG is Monday the 7th, next Monday… 1st Pelican Point Sea Scouts Hall, Camp Cornwell, 12 Australia II Drive… Doors open 7pm for a 7:30pm start..
Tea, Coffee and Refreshments available and plenty of time to eyeball both before and after the meeting.
Hi WARGians… the WARG NEWS for Sept29th failed to be accepted by Google, hence Clinton never got it in his gmail account… my mail client and not happy and not accepting my other smtp option… meaning … here is last week’s audio.
The NEXT meeting of the West Australian Repeater Group will be on Monday the 7th of October… and will be held at the 1st Pelican Point Sea Scout Hall located at 12 Australia II Drive in Crawley. Just around the corner from MATILDA BAY & just a stone’s throw away from The University of Western Australia.
With Doors Opening around 1900H for a meeting Start Time of approx. 1930H.
Tea, Coffee, and Refreshments are available for the usual Gold Coin Donation.
At the meeting Anthony VK6AXB has put up his hand to give a talk and practical demonstration.
The topic, is roughly… Repeater Cavities: The Who, What, Where, Why, & When – (With particular note of fact that we need to convert a stock pile of VHF commercial cavities that we have, for use on 2m Repeaters – a great learning opportunity for any amateurs wanting to gain some new experiences) .
HISTORICAL PHOTO: 11 sets of WARG Cavities on lawn at a former QTH of one time life member of WARG, Gillian “Jill” Weaver VK6YL now SK.
The meeting was held on Sept 2nd and was reasonably attended with several apologies and some missing folk probably experiencing “life happening”. The meeting was held, it had its usual parts, correspon-dence, treasurer’s report, promotions and socials report, and the Technical discussion and report. The meeting closed at 21:20 and we then had a little thing we called the Cables and Connectors Activity…
Whilst the number of folk who stayed after the meeting did dwindle over time, this is clearly only to be expected.
First up was a bit of Hi-End tech on the measuring of return loss on coax. There was a show and tell on how to use the equipment and how to get the return on unknown coax… with a second bit in and out of line… and then do the math in you head. Ray VK6ZRW and Anthony VK6AXB both had different bits of tech and then afterwards… the connectors section was done…
I only have a couple of shots from the night, and it is from the tail end with Anthony taking Adam VK6XR through how to connect a BNC (or did Adam have the N type?) to some thick double shielded coax. Two patch cables were needed by Colin VK6ACT for use soon…
Anthony spent some time showing us all how to get fiddly with the coax and some of his tips on how to use the tools and how not to cut all the way through, Adam took the opportunity to get some hands-on experience.
Adam was later heard afterwards thanking Anthony for the opportunity and that he had learned a lot and part of that was that he still in regards to connectors, has a lot to learn.
Yes… getting fiddly with the stuff and making it yourself, as opposed to just buying finished product off the shelf or from the net… (actually –not– accusing anyone of any thing here.) is to begin with not 100% so easy… it’s a learning thing.
So much information was exchanged in the activity… much learned and many tips shared… but you had to be there.
I locked up, at a couple of minutes to midnight. WARG will continue to do Lectures and Activity nights in forthcoming months. Like they say… Be there, or be square!
The NEXT meeting of WARG, is on Monday the 2nd September.
This meeting will be BACK at the home of 1st Pelican Point Sea Scouts. Camp Cornwall all the way down the end of Australia II Drv. Then take a Sharp left into the car park instantly before the dead end.
For your GPS: #12 Australia II Drive, Crawley.
Doors Open around 7pm for a 7:30pm Start. There will be Tea, Coffee and refreshments, usually but not always limited to biscuits, for a gold coin donation to keep the supplies of things coming…
There is always plenty of time both before and after the meeting to meet in person with your radio buddies and make an Audio Frequency contact… 😉 [ See what I did there :p ]
The 1st Monday of July approaches – it’s the 1st July.
The next monthly meeting of the West Australian Repeater Group is on Monday the 1st of July and will be held at the 1st Midland Scout hall at #10 Helen Street in Bellevue.
Doors open around 7pm for a 7:30pm start; Tea Coffee and Refreshments are available at a Gold Coin Donation as always.
Following are some Unpolished, QUICK and DIRTY Graphics.
The hall is accessible via Perth’s Arterial Roads with reasonable speed… Once in Bellevue… there’s 12 bays out front, roadside parking and a couple of bays out back. Parking didn’t seem to be an issue for the March meeting and sale. Leaving the Roe heading North is easy, Southbound, not quite so simple – but choose a way and it won’t take long.