WARG AGM 2022 and Subs Due Reminder


Hi all, Just a reminder that the West Australian Repeater Group AGM Annual General Meeting will take place this Monday night 2nd May at 1930 at Pelican Point Sea Scouts facility, at 12 Australia II Drive in Crawley, WA.

Pelican Point Sea Scout Hall Click here for the Google Maps Link.

The AGM is planned to be a face-to-face gathering at WARG’s regular meeting venue, the 1st Pelican Point Sea Scouts facility, at 12 Australia II Drive in Crawley, WA. For those who prefer to attend online, we will also have a Skype meeting in parallel, with screens and audio so those online can hear and participate in the face-to-face meeting.

However, if prior to the AGM our ability to meet is suddenly restricted due to a new COVID-19 outbreak or similar, this arrangement may change to a remote meeting via Skype only. Clear advice will be provided with as much notice as possible if this were to be the case.

The link to join the Skype meeting is as follows:

Please email secretary@warg.org.au for the link or visit https://www.warg.org.au/2022/04/warg-skype-link/ (This link is protected by a password, the same password members use to access the WARG Minutes)

WARG 2022/2023 Subscriptions are now due

WARG membership renewals for 2022-23 are also now due. Thank you to the many members who have already renewed. Members must be financial in advance of the AGM to nominate, and vote. Subs are still only $25 per year which is 1st April until 31st March each year.

If you are not sure whether you are financial or not, you can check via the Membership page – https://www.warg.org.au/member-services/membership/

Please ensure you are not already financial to avoid paying too far in advance.

You will find a link to the Google Sheets 2022/2023 Subs list.
