Greetings WARG members,
Hope everyone is well – my apologies for lack of contact the past few weeks – somewhat unusual circumstances have limited my WARG focus since our May AGM, until the last day or so (In my case, a close family bereavement requiring a lot of family time, and more recently a dose of COVID!). Others have also been busy, for these reasons, little preparation has been done for the June meeting, scheduled for this coming Monday 13th.
My COVID aftermath means I am not available for this Monday, and several other Committee members have also been occupied, or are unwell and unable to attend. After consideration, the WARG Committee proposes that we skip the upcoming June meeting, and focus on the one scheduled for July 4th.
If anyone has concerns about this, please say ASAP – the WARG Committee is able to make decisions in between meetings and can progress any urgent business if required.
(A remote meeting via Skype may be possible – but if there are pressing issues that require a wider membership discussion, these are probably better done with some notice, and with good representation from WARG Committee – neither of which are feasible to achieve by this Monday).
Minutes from the recent AGM, and the following General Meeting are attached, along with the Treasurer’s and Membership reports from the General Meeting. As usual, E&OE, please let me know ASAP if any corrections or changes.
Apologies again for the short notice, it’s not been a great few weeks for me, I appreciate everyone’s understanding. Happy to discuss as required.
Regards and 73,
Anthony VK6AXB
President, WARG