Greetings WARG members,
Our first meeting for 2023 is this coming Monday, 6th February, at the 1st Pelican Point sea scouts venue, 12 Australia II Drive in Crawley, opposite UWA. We aim to get the doors open at 7 for a 7:30pm start, with the usual tea, coffee and Tim Tams etc available for a gold coin donation.
On behalf of the Committee, I would like to thank all WARG members who assisted in any way during 2022, from keeping the admin side going to attending site working bees, updating and fixing back-end systems, and everything in between. A few bits & pieces happened over the Christmas / New Year period, but my impression is that many of us took the opportunity to have a good break, after a long year – I hope this was a good time for all, and that everyone is surviving the hot weather these past couple of weeks!
Now that January is behind us, it’s time to look forward again and see what we can achieve for the year ahead. I am finalising an Agenda and will circulate in the next day or so.
FYI, other scheduled WARG meeting dates for 2023 are as follows:
Monday, March 13th (the first Monday 6th is a public holiday);
Monday, April 3rd – start of a new “WARG” financial year, membership subscriptions will be due;
Monday, May 1st – this one is WARG’s Annual General Meeting and election of a new Committee for 2023-24;
Monday, June 12th (again, the first Monday 5th is a public holiday);
Monday, July 3rd;
Monday, August 7th;
Monday, September 4th;
Monday, October 2nd;
Monday, November 6th; and
Monday, December 4th. (WARG do not schedule a January meeting, the next would be Monday 5th February 2024)
WARG meetings are held at the 1st Pelican Point Sea Scout Group, 12 Australia II Drive Crawley. (Down the end past the yacht club) Doors open at 19:00 for a 19:30 start. This is the final WARG meeting of the year, so hope you can all attend.
Pelican Point Sea Scout Hall Click here for the Google Maps Link.
Skype Link details here – https://www.warg.org.au/2022/04/warg-skype-link/
Password protected (Same password as the meeting minutes).
Regards & 73,
Anthony VK6AXB
President, WARG