WARG Annual General Meeting POSTPONED!!!
WARG’s upcoming Annual General meeting will be on Monday, 3rd May 2021, at 7:30 pm (WA time). The meeting is planned to take place as a face-to-face gathering at WARG’s regular meeting venue, the 1st Pelican Point Sea Scouts facility, at 12 Australia II Drive in Crawley, WA.
However, if prior to the AGM our ability to meet is suddenly restricted due to a new COVID-19 outbreak or similar, this arrangement may change to an on-air meeting.
(Our AGM last year took this form, due to restrictions). Clear advice will be provided with as much notice as possible if this were to be the case.
WARG Committee Nominations

The AGM also means it’s time for Committee Nominations. Should you wish to nominate for an official Committee position please contact secretary@warg.org.au for a form. Without the key Committee positions being filled, WARG cannot effectively operate. Early nomination in writing for all Committee positions is encouraged.
Committee positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer, Technical Officer and 3 positions as ordinary committee members. Other Non-Committee roles: Digital Officer, Website Manager, Publicity Officer, WARG Shop Manager, and Repeater Site Managers.